Please join us for Springtime in Paris !!!!
Now’s the time to complete your reservation form and drop off the form with your check to Melissa Klenke….OR… can bring it with you to the sign-in table at this Friday’s meeting. We are only accepting 200 reservations so don’t delay if you’d like to attend.
We are asking all SWC members to solicit ONE business donation each to help our benefit be successful - please give that donation to Sara Collins. Also asking that you kindly bring 1-2 auction items (totaling $50) to Springtime in Paris set up on 3/30/23 for our in-person silent auction, or you can give a monetary donation instead to Eileen Robinson. It’s important to remember our fundraisers support a variety of local charities dear to our hearts. Additionally, SWC is a strong supporter of Sedgefield Elementary School and the needs of the students there. The success of our fundraiser will help provide additional resources for Sedgefield Elementary.
Lastly, we want you to come have fun!!!! This will be a fabulous party with a fashion photographer, great raffle prizes, interesting and fabulous silent auction items, desirable live auction items and many wonderful baked goods.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday, March 31st in your Pinks, pastels & Parisian fashions!